Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Welcome to Debunking the Deception.

I have created this blog for a number of reasons which I will briefly explain in this, my first post. The most important of reasons that I have created this blog is to give glory to The Lord Jesus Christ and God Almighty! I know Jesus Christ as my savior and strive to walk closer with him every day of my life. In this modern era where ideas are spread into a global consciousness at the speed of light I see no better way to praise Him and spread truths.

I  believe that we are approaching the return of our Almighty King, Jesus Christ. This is the second reason for why I have created this blog. In many scriptures in the Bible the deception that men fall victim to is talked about. I hope to write truths and help to clear the air about any false teachings that I am or become aware of. In The Book of Revelations it speaks of the inhabitants of the earth becoming deceived by the beasts that are to rise up. These deceptions must have light cast upon them, no matter the repercussions.

I have decided to create this blog also to grow closer in my relationship with both my Spiritual Father and my biological Father. My Father is the author of a great blog named Debunking Atheists . He too has devoted much of his time and energy to witnessing to the masses of the internet. He has been a great inspiration to me, though I want to make clear that my decision to start this blog was not at all a result of pressure from him or anyone. It is the will of God that I write these words and nothing more!

I come into this blog understanding and knowing that many of you reading this will mock and insult me furiously. I know that many of you will do this, but I will not be deterred by this. I will give glory to God every day and always continue to do my best to shine the Light on the wicked.

I invite anyone and everyone to join in the conversations that will soon follow as we can undoubtedly all learn from each other. I do warn now that my spelling is not the best and my grammar is even worse, but I will try to keep these posts clean and readable.

I do not claim to be a profit, to know all things or even be an expert in the subjects that I will speak to. I simply wish to spread the unadulterated word of God and help to dismiss any deceptions that are taking place in the world right now. For I want each and every one of you to walk in the Kingdom of God for all of eternity!

Praise the Lord and God Bless!


  1. couple of questions. Do you believe in the concept of random? Is true randomness a reality, or is it just a word to refer to something too complicated to be described/calculated quickly.

    Also, considering that morals are subjective (different cultures are not only different but can be perceived as evil/offensive) what is your point of view on good/evil?

    Good has been shown to be a reaction in our brain releasing electrochemicals such as seratonine and dopamine. These electrochemicals can cloud your mind, someone can "butter" you up to do something you dont want, anger can make you do "evil" things in a blind rage. Why then would god (a perfect being) need to use such mind altering drugs to make decisions?

  2. I don't know enough to have a belief on the concept of true randomness. I think that in cryptography true randomness is only said to be possible using radioactive materials, but then again from a skeptics point of view this could not be random at all. As you said it could be too complex or fast to describe or calculate properly.

    My point of view on good vs evil could be a rather large posting in itself, and maybe it will be one someday. Though for sake of being brief right now let me say that I believe that the wisdom and teachings held in the Holy Bible are the perfect way to understand what I view as good and evil.

    Lastly, Chemicals are found throughout our nervous systems and nature in general. I find it quite amazing that we can quantify and pinpoint these effects. Though I can not justify why God made our brains work the way they do, nor will I begin to try. God does not NEED to do anything, but he did for a reason. Without either of these mind altering chemicals we would also be void of many other emotions and feelings. I do not intend to question the why of Gods creations. I will leave this to non-believers and scientists. I have always found the how very interesting, but WHY is a much more than I care to tackle. I will leave that wisdom for God to share with us when the time is right.

  3. I agree, My last opinion on god was that he/she/it would not have emotions. And since good/evil are incarnations of emotional reactions to external stimuli, it made no sense for god to care about our perception of good/evil.

    The classic thought experiment is, if good exists and god is all powerful, and god is opposed to evil, why doesnt he stop it?

    Either good exists only in our own emotions (human/earthly) and god does not have an opinion of it. Or god is evil for letting evil occur while being able to stop it.

    Another fun question about randomness... if all molecular interactions are logical, and given enough information/enough time to calculate, we cold determine their interactions, and our bodies are made of these particles, including our brains, then free will would have to be an illusion.

    This does not necessarily conflict with religion, but most religious people do take great offense to this.

    What are your opinions on this?

  4. First I will address the free will. In order for us to truly predict the true molecular interactions on a universal scale, we must be omnipresent, or at least aware and knowledgeable of each individual particle in the system in question (i.e. Reality or the Universe). This Omnipresence is only granted to the Creator and therefore would be impossible for us to do. We would need to know the exact position of every particle, and the state it is in. If we leave out even one particle, that variation could cause what some call the butterfly effect in our hypothetical model and thus freewill remains intact by the Grace of God.

    Also we would need to be aware of all dimensions present in the current system and we are a still quite a ways from that level of understanding of the quantum model.

    Now speaking to your first question. God is going to stop evil on earth, read your bible all the way through. It's right at the end in the Book of Revelations.

    Also speaking more to this once again brings me back to my original statement. I'm not here to question the why, only the how and only on occasion. I realize that I'm a mere human and can not come close to grasping the great plan set into place by our Creator.

    Faith and trust is what the Gospel speaks of, not questioning the psychology of God or the logical existence of true good or evil. Though I'm sure many theologians and philosophers have spoken on this matter. Again, I leave this in their hands. I feel that most of these what if matters are a mere distraction from the true message.

    One day I hope that we will both be able to ask the Creator these questions our self. Until then I'll let it remain a question to ponder.

    What are your thoughts on these topics?

  5. I could also say that we are to leave the prophesying up to the Prophets of God. Any man who claims to know the outcome of everything or anything would surely be working for more sinister forces.

    "Let no one be found among you who ... practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, | or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead."
    -Deuteronomy 18

    If your hypothetical prediction system was actually plausible it would also have to take into account God himself. No man, program, or whatever knows the Will of God either. Again, this system has been broken before it has been created (by man anyways).

  6. Nobody has hijacked my brain at all. I've came to all of my beliefs on my own accord over many years. I do not belong to any church or single denomination nor do I follow any particular preachers or supposed prophets. The word of God is pure and infallible in every way shape and form. Iv'e went from a true atheist in my younger years to being a true believer in the teachings of the Bible now. This was all done through my own research, conversations, and understandings of the Gospel.

  7. Michael,

    >>My Father is the author of a great blog named Debunking Atheists.

    Maybe you should start by debunking that deception right there. :7p

    I am excited for you. Welcome to the fray.

    PS. I hate Word verification

  8. in response to your first paragraph, I agree. Im not sure its something we as humans would ever be able to obtain, but that doesnt mean that its "unknowable". This would mean that we still operate completely deterministically (no free will yadda yadda, always going to do what we were going to do based on a bajillion variables in life)

    I have read the bible, many times. I was raised very Christian. I know it says he WILL stop it, but why did he ever let it happen to begin with?

    Faith is a dangerous game. There is a small line between religiousness and cultist.

    as to witchcraft... Todays scientists are most certainly practicing witchcraft by biblical terms. My fiance regularly is modifying cells/killing mice/ harvesting embryos (shes is a molecular biologist getting her PHD at princeton University)

    As to god breaking the laws of physics, I cannot argue against this. There are certain aspects of religion that are simply not debatable (not because they are true) but because they are designed to be not-debatable. (invisible spaghetti monster/teapot on the far side of the moon arguments)

    If the world is deterministic (all particles behave in a pre-determined way based on a large number of variables, sometimes too many for humans to currently predict accurately) then free will does not exist. This breaks a number of aspects of religion (adam/eve) (good/evil) etc

  9. Sorry about the VERY long delay spiff. God I believe allows for evil and despair to happen because he allows for free will. If he stopped it then he would be stopping free will in many cases.

    Another reason is because we absolutely deserve the full wrath of the Lord. He is our Creator! We are here to represent him yet a very large portion of mankind is so vile and wicked and pure evil. This is saying that God would partake in these actions if he was here! This is SO horrible that we do deserve all of his wrath and much more!

    The world is not deterministic even though our Creator knows the results of everything. Its a hard thing to wrap your thoughts around though. Without any faith it's next to impossible to say anyone knows the result yet its not deterministic. Free will is evidence for this non-deterministic world, though I need no evidence. The Word of God is all that I need.

    If you would like a more compelling apologetic I urge you to read the next post.
