Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Broken Foundations- An Examination of Mormonism.

Brothers and Sister of the Mormon faith,
       I hope that you will read this post with an open heart and open mind. I am writing these things because of the love I have for you all. I know many followers of the LDS church and they are all wonderful people. The Love and help that is given out from the Mormon people is astonishing and remarkable. Your works are wonderful. However I don't think that you understand the level of deception that you are all involved in. I hope to debunk this deception in this and subsequent postings. Please read this entire article as it was written with the best of intentions.
     Even your own apostle, Orson Pratt said " Convince us our errors of doctrine, if we have any, by reason, logical argument, or by the Word of God, and we will be ever grateful  for the information."  I intend to do just this and show how you have been deceived by the teachings of Joseph Smith and the LDS Church.
    The first inconsistency between the Bible and LDS teachings I wish to point out is from the Mormon Gospel of Principles. In this book it states that everyone on earth is spirit brother and sister, and Jesus was the first spirit brother.  The LDS church also believes that Jesus had to achieve Godhood and was not always a God, but once a mere man.
     Gordon B Hinkley, one of the Presidents of the LDS Church stated "No I don't believe in the traditional Christ of whom they speak. For the Christ of whom I speak has been revealed in this the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times." This is a shocking statement from such a prominent church member. Every Mormon I speak to says that they believe in the same Christ that I do, but this is not the case.
     In Col 1:16 it states "For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him." The Bible here states that Jesus Christ, the true Creator and God, created everything! Again in John 1 we see "Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made." Again another inconsistency between the teachings of Joseph Smith and the teachings of the Bible.
     The Doctrine and Covenants 130:22 states "The Father has a bbody of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s; the Son also; but the Holy Ghost has not a body of flesh and bones, but is a personage of Spirit. Were it not so, the Holy Ghost could not dwell in us." This is a huge inconsistency with the Bible yet again! John 4:24 "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth."
     How can a supposed prophet of God teach these things that go directly against the Bible, and yet still claim the authority of the Bible? "Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God." God is eternal and always will be! He was not a man in a past life, he did come to earth through Jesus Christ, but he was never a mere human!
     Joesph Smith stated in The Teachings of Joseph Smith, page 345, "I'm going to tell you how God came to be God. We have imagined and supposed that God was God from all eternity. I will refute that idea and take away the veil so you may see. He was once a man like us; yea. That God himself the Father of all of us, dwelt on an Earth the same as Jesus Christ himself did."
     This quote is so wrong and scripture over and over refutes this. The Bible has held up for countless generations and is the basis for which we must test any supposed prophet or teaching.
     Brigham Young once sided with Lucifer himself. In the Mormon Tabernacle he stated "The devil told the truth, what is the mystery about it? He is doing it today. He is telling one or two truths and mixing them with a thousand errors to get the people to swallow them. I do not blame Mother Eve, I would not have had her miss eating the forbidden fruit for anything in the world.”   If you read Gen 3 its very clear that the serpent did in fact deceive Eve and God subsequently punished him for that!  Why would a Just God punish if it was true! He wouldn't have at all.
           These inconsistencies and deceptions hold huge implications for a Mormon. The true Gospel has been perverted continually by the LDS Church. You will not receive eternal life in any of the three Kingdoms that the Mormon church teaches of either. You are following a teaching that directly goes against God our Lord and you will receive eternity separated from God, the Holy of Holy, in the lake of fire! I wish this upon NOBODY, especially the good people who are deceived by the Mormon faith. Please heed these words and continue to investigate for yourself. Don't take my word for it, just realize your eternal life rests upon the choices you have made. Don't you owe it to yourself to check and double check these teachings against the Bible?
      The Grace of God will be your only salvation, no works will save you. None of the Mormon commandments, none of the things you think you must do are required for salvation! Repent now and turn to the TRUE Lord Jesus Christ.
      Would you follow a boastful and prideful man that puts himself above Jesus Christ? If I stated that I was visited by God and and angel and received the Word of God and then claimed that I'm better than Jesus would you not test me as the Bible has instructed you to?
     Joseph Smith has boasted and claimed to be better than Jesus himself! HOW BLASPHEMOUS!! This is from the  history of the church V6 p308-309. "I have more to boast than that ever any man had. I am the only man that has been able to keep a whole church together since the days of Adam. A large majority of the whole have stood by me. Neither Paul, John, Peter, nor Jesus ever did it. I boast that no man ever did such work as I. The followers of Jesus ran away from Him; but the Latter-day Saints never ran away from me yet." I'm not seeing a Biblical profit here, I'm seeing a prideful and boastful man. I would NEVER follow someone who claimed to be better than the Lord Jesus Christ... Why do you continue to!?
      Need more yet? Brigam Young stated in the Journal of Discourse Verse 7 page 289 that "No man or woman will enter the celestial kingdom without consent of Joesph Smith." This is  placing Joseph Smith in the seat as the ultimate authority, the Judge of all Judges. Joesph Smith is not a God, there is only ONE God.
     1 John 13 states " I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life." I know that I have eternal life, Joseph Smith has NO say in any of it. Why do Mormons take a man's word over the words of the Bible?
  The Bible has withstood over time and not a single prophecy has been wrong. It has withstood archaeological research, historians, and countless other studies by people much smarter than I. Yet the LDS Faith puts its full trust into works that are only a few hundred years old and have FAILED every archaeological investigation. The LDS Church will not even commit to a map to show where the Book of Mormon took place. I can still go to Biblical cities, can you find any of the Mormon cities?
    Biblical standards for a prophet are 100% accuracy, this means if a single prophecy by Joseph Smith or any of the prophets of the LDS Church do not come true or are proven wrong that these men are not speaking the word of God.
    Joseph Smith stated that a temple will be built in New Jerusalem (Missouri) within a handful of years. You can go to this spot today and see that there is still NO temple. This ONE account proves that Joseph Smith is NOT a man of God.
    Brigham Young once said that the sun was inhabited and Joseph Smith claimed that there are men on the moon dressed as Quakers. Does the Mormon Church still claim these things as true? They are NOT, and here is yet another lie from a supposed man of God. A man who claims to hold the keys to heaven? These things do not add up, no matter how much rationalization you have for it.
    I love you all, I hope that the Lord will soften your hearts to his True word. Please I beg of you, Repent and turn to the TRUE Word of God, the Bible. Nothing more is needed. Your eternal salvation rests upon you waking up from this deception that has gone on for far too long.
    I can continue to provide a TON more evidence that will show the fallacies of the LDS Church, but I feel that enough has been stated here to at least make you start to think.
    I understand some of you have been in this Church since birth. This is a very hard thing to realize and admit that you are wrong, but we must be humble and accept that we make mistakes. We have all been deceived, the key is to waking up to it and making the right choices going forward.

     God bless you all, I will be praying these words reach your heart and mind.

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Righteous Apologetic

First off I apologize for my lack of activity here. As you all know life is a busy thing, that is NO excuse not to praise the Lord and spread knowledge though. That is what I intend to do this morning and hopefully more to come in the NEAR future. No promises though.

Now that I have that out of the way let us get to it. Recently I have become engaged in a few debates via various social networks. The debates quickly turned into me trying so hard to share the Glory of God with my friends that were atheist or agnostic.

I have spread the word in the past, with little success and yet I have been staying with the same set of arguments. Insanity can be defined as repeating the same actions over and over and expecting different results. By this definition I have been insane for my arguments for the Lord.

I praise the Lord and my Father for opening my eyes to a more biblical approach to 'convincing' non believers. I say 'convincing' because that is what I was trying to do in the past even though this is not our duty to the Lord. Only by the Grace of God Himself can someone be convinced. Our duty as the Lord's servants is to simply state the truths of the Lord. The rest is in His hands.

The first mistake I have run into, and I'm sure many of you have too, is using the Bible to argue for the Lord in such a way that puts our ultimate authority on trial.  Rather than put our ultimate authority on trial, we should undermine the very ability of the unbeliever to judge Scripture (-Thanks for the edit Sye!). I will show how in just a moment and also provide some great tools to help you learn and preach this apologetic.

The second major mistake I have made is to use evidence to prove God or Jesus Christ to a non believer. This is a horrible thing to do and I never realized it until recently. By going into a debate like this we are placing God and the Bible on trial. This should NEVER happen! We know that God is the ultimate judge and authority. We should always debate from this stance rather than placing God on trial. The fact that we even allow this to happen is a disgrace to the Lord.

If you were a police officer, prosecutor, or something of that likes, would you place charges on an individual if you KNEW they were innocent? Of course you wouldn't. Now would you place charges if the accuser was a known criminal and he was accusing the Judge that you KNEW was innocent and pure? No way anyone would, in fact you might even come to place charges on the accuser! It's not our job to judge or place these charges onto these accusers, but you see my point here hopefully. We should never allow God to be placed on trial. By allowing this to happen it can show that we ourselves don't believe He is our ultimate authority.

Rather than showing pieces of evidence let us remove any and all Logic from the accusers world view before they can even present the evidence they may have. We can show that without God there is no way to know anything or argue anything. This is a bold claim but let me do my best at explaining this.

Logic itself is impossible without the Christian God. Logic as most everyone will agree is unchanging, non-material, and universal. This is an impossibility if the universe is a random sea of probabilities and evolution. How would you have anything unchanging in a random and chaotic universe? How would anything non-material exist in a purely material existence?

These same arguments can apply to Science, Math, and Morals. The Bible tells us that there is no man or woman that does not believe or has not heard the Word of God. There are simply people that have suppressed the truth and people who profess the truth.

Romans 1 vs. 18 - 21 says:

The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.

What we can and should do is preach this argument to show that without God, nobody has a leg to stand on in an argument at all. This apologetic is powerful and must be preached with only love and compassion. This will rip the world view of anyone right out from under them so expect a lot of push back. Speak the truth and pray for everyone you encounter and share this knowledge with. By the Grace of God they will Repent and be able to receive the Truth and embrace rather than suppress it.

I hope I have relayed this argument in a easy to understand manner for anyone who has stumbled upon this. I however can not take any credit for this approach. As I said the Lord and my Father are the ones that opened my eyes to this. was the starting point for this information for me. I urge you all to go there and take the tests and go through the media section. I have not yet read Sye's books but I intend to do so very soon so that I can grasp this truly amazing apologetic further.

I love you all, regardless of your beliefs, stances, or race. God bless you all, never loose sight of the fact that YOU are representing God himself. You are supposed to act as God would. Sinning in anyways is a lie to everyone. You are saying God would steal, cheat, murder etc... This is why God can not stand sinning of ANY size or severity.

If you sent an ambassador to represent you and they acted rude or unpleasant in any way I'm sure you would be very upset as well. We all deserve the wrath of God, but he is Amazing! He has given us salvation with the blood of Christ, his only son. Our sins are forgiven though we are still representing him. Keep this in mind every day! Again God Bless you all and I love you.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Welcome to Debunking the Deception.

I have created this blog for a number of reasons which I will briefly explain in this, my first post. The most important of reasons that I have created this blog is to give glory to The Lord Jesus Christ and God Almighty! I know Jesus Christ as my savior and strive to walk closer with him every day of my life. In this modern era where ideas are spread into a global consciousness at the speed of light I see no better way to praise Him and spread truths.

I  believe that we are approaching the return of our Almighty King, Jesus Christ. This is the second reason for why I have created this blog. In many scriptures in the Bible the deception that men fall victim to is talked about. I hope to write truths and help to clear the air about any false teachings that I am or become aware of. In The Book of Revelations it speaks of the inhabitants of the earth becoming deceived by the beasts that are to rise up. These deceptions must have light cast upon them, no matter the repercussions.

I have decided to create this blog also to grow closer in my relationship with both my Spiritual Father and my biological Father. My Father is the author of a great blog named Debunking Atheists . He too has devoted much of his time and energy to witnessing to the masses of the internet. He has been a great inspiration to me, though I want to make clear that my decision to start this blog was not at all a result of pressure from him or anyone. It is the will of God that I write these words and nothing more!

I come into this blog understanding and knowing that many of you reading this will mock and insult me furiously. I know that many of you will do this, but I will not be deterred by this. I will give glory to God every day and always continue to do my best to shine the Light on the wicked.

I invite anyone and everyone to join in the conversations that will soon follow as we can undoubtedly all learn from each other. I do warn now that my spelling is not the best and my grammar is even worse, but I will try to keep these posts clean and readable.

I do not claim to be a profit, to know all things or even be an expert in the subjects that I will speak to. I simply wish to spread the unadulterated word of God and help to dismiss any deceptions that are taking place in the world right now. For I want each and every one of you to walk in the Kingdom of God for all of eternity!

Praise the Lord and God Bless!