Here is the next challenge brought forth. The exact claim was : "Thou shalt not commit adultery, but if the city is pissed of at you, you must give up your wife and daughters to be raped ask night long." While the first part, "Thou shalt not commit adultery" is biblical, the rest is not.
I can see where the confusion is coming from however. In Judges 19 we see a story that is close to this. What is happening in this story is a man is traveling home some distance and needed a place to stay. An old man in a foreign city invited him and his concubine to stay. Nobody in this city (Gibeah) wanted this stranger and his concubine to stay, so they surrounded the old man's house. When they called the stranger out, the old man came out instead. He said, don't do wickedness to this stranger. To appease the mob he (the old man) sent his own daughter, as well as the strangers concubine. He hoped that the crowd would humble the women and do whatever they (the mob) saw as good.
This mob ended up raping and killing the concubine, which was one of the strangers in the land. You will see that God never commanded this, in fact he poured out wrath on this city for the actions of the mob. You can read more about this war commanded by God himself in Judges 20 and 21.
I hope this clears this misconception up, usually reading the Bible before refuting it is a good thing. I understand everyone is busy though, so no worries, I'll keep doing it for you! :) God bless.
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